Don’t forget to review all rules of the game, as set out in the terms and conditions.

The AI for Education Awards competition is a Belgian initiative that aims to connect, highlight, and celebrate the best practices for integrating AI in all levels and types of primary and secondary (K-12) education in Europe. The competition is co-ordinated by d-teach online school ivzw with the support of an Organising Committee (together referred to as the organisers).

  • The AI for Education Awards competition is open to any project, programme, or product created for use in education with implementation or roll-out started before January 1st 2024 in Europe, in accordance with the criteria of the two award categories (Educator Empowerment Award: and Learning Excellence Award:
  • Entries for both award categories may include original and authentic lesson plans, media, tools, lesson material, software, services, games, websites, chatbots, platforms, etc., used within the context of primary and secondary (K-12) education, as well as testimonials and data proving the effectiveness of your project, programme or product.
  • Entries can be submitted by individuals, groups, organisations, or institutions for any project, programme or product rolled-out or implemented in Europe, as long as they officially represent the submitted project, programme or product. The project programme or product must be in accordance with the criteria set forward for both award categories. The entrant represents and warrants that the entrant is either i) the author of all deliverables, including supporting documentation and the content thereof, that are part of the entry; or ii) it has obtained all necessary rights and permissions to submit and carry out the entry. The entrant further represents and warrants that the entry i) is in compliance with applicable laws; ii) does not infringe any third party intellectual property rights and iii) does not constitute unfair competition.
  • The entrant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless d-teach online school ivzw and the Organising Committee from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses arising from or relating to any breach of the above warranties. d-teach online school ivzw and the Organising Committee are not liable for any disputes or conflicts arising from or relating to the intellectual property rights of the entries.

Entries must be submitted online via the official website of the AI for Education Awards ( by the 22nd of May 2024, midnight (CET). No late entries will be accepted.

  • Entries must be tailored specifically to show evidence of their relevance to one of the two award categories and the criteria of the AI for Education Awards following the instructions on the submission page. Each entry can only be submitted in one award category.
  • Entries must provide access to supporting documentation of software (e.g. applications and platforms) when it is an essential part of the submitted project, programme, or product as well as any information about pricing or licensing for learners, educators, or education institutions and end-users.
  • Entries must indicate the language(s) of the project, program or product that is being entered. While there is no restriction regarding the language(s) of the submitted materials, the entry form and supporting documentation must be in English.
  • The entrant represents and warrants that the entrant has complied and shall comply with applicable data protection laws, including GDPR, with regard all deliverables, including supporting documentation and the content thereof, that are part of the entry. The entrant recognises that such compliance is especially relevant in case personal data of minors is involved.
  • The organisers respect the personal data of the entrants, which will be processed in accordance with the privacy policy. The organisers will also protect any sensitive or confidential information that the entrants may specify in their entries.
  • The entrant retains the intellectual property rights of their submitted project, programme or product. However, by entering the AI for Education Awards, the entrant agrees to grant the organisers the right to assess the submission, to display the entry and certain visual materials, as mentioned on the submission page, for the purpose of the awards promotion without further compensation, notification, or permission, unless prohibited by law. The entrant also grants the organisers the right to publish the executive summary of the submitted project, programme or product as part of the initial selection leading to a shortlist of finalists and announcement of the winner, unless the entrant has explicitly requested the organisers not to do so through the contact form before the 17the of June 2024.
  • By entering the AI for Education Awards, the entrant agrees to abide by the eligibility criteria, the terms and conditions, and the decisions of the organisers and the judges, which are final and binding in all matters relating to the awards.
  • The organisers reserve the right to cancel or postpone the AI for Education Awards, or to modify the categories, the criteria, the terms and conditions, or any other aspect of AI for Education Awards, at any time and without prior notice, if circumstances require it.
  • The Organising Committee can unilaterally reject an entry if it does not comply with the eligibility criteria or re-categorise based on the assessment in light of the evaluation criteria.
  • The judging process occurs in two phases based on the specified evaluation criteria per category as mentioned on the website of the AI for Education Awards, with an initial selection leading to a shortlist of finalists. The jurors will decide on the finalists and winner. Its decision is final and cannot be disputed.
  • The winners of the AI for Education Awards will be notified in advance. They will be announced and celebrated publicly on June 18th 2024 in Oslo, during a ceremony that can be attended online, and that is part of the official programme of the Belgian Economic Mission to Norway.
  • Both the winner and the finalists will receive an official certificate from the Organising Committee. The winner will also receive an award. The winner will also have the opportunity to showcase its submitted project, program or product on the website of the AI for Education Awards.

For any questions or assistance regarding submissions, please contact the Organising Committee via the contact form.

Copyright © 2024 AI for Education Awards 2024

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